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My name is brea burkard, and My whole life I've been a witness. A silent, and sometimes not so silent observer of the living that happens around me. I've always been drawn to the genuine connections that are possible between nature, the world around us, and most importantly with each other.

I am constantly seeking truth. I have an insatiable hunger to discover new ways to be, to connect, and to thrive in life. Through my connections and experiences I have found various passions and modalities that have brought me the most balance and joy. I am a certified yoga teacher & massage therapist, advanced crystal healer, certified Reiki Master, and a trained energy healing therapist. I am also an Equine Guided Empowerment® facilitator through The Reflective Horse® mastery program. All of my relentless curiosity has created this diverse foundation that I am grateful to offer to my clients.

I live a beautiful life with my husband Chris, and our two wild boys, Jeremiah and Forrest. We are blessed to split our time between our little ranch in California, and a growing life in Iceland.

As an intuitive guide, somatic coach, and energy therapist, I am here to help you become your own guide. i’m here to help show the way to the truest and highest version of yourself, and to provide you with the tools that will lead you into your highest state of alignment. this is a reflection and a partnership…it is not a passive experience, it is an active engagement to step into the initiation of the life you are choosing.

This is a reconnection with your soul, the earth, and beyond. A reclamation of self, and who you were meant to be. This is work, and a commitment to engage with nature, energy, and meditative time to find the clarity and peace we achieve from returning home to ourselves. are you ready to join me?


Unified by a love for the Earth and the people and beings who live in it.




certified massage practitioner @ SBBTI

250 RYT @ Marianne Wells Yoga School

CERTIFIED SIMPLY Align ENERGY PRACTITIONER@Carolyn Cooper Simply Align Training




CERTIFIED INTUITIVE GUIDE @Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

certified community herbalist@The Land of Verse

certified TRAUMA INFORMED SOMATIC Guide @Soma Mystica

currently in spinal attunement training @Soma Mystica