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somatic bodywork

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The body is constantly bringing up old issues in an effort to heal—but it needs our attention. If we can speak its language, and truly listen, the body will heal itself.

what is somatic bodywork?


somatic bodywork is a modality in which you and your practitioner work on your inner perceptions. a combination between body massage, and energetic release through verbal communication, neuro affective touch, and trigger points. Somatic work addresses the whole client, mind, body, soul. our sessions include but aren’t limited to; your physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, and your intuition and spiritual insights. It can facilitate deep healing of old wounds and trauma, but it is definitively not talk therapy. The work is more nuanced than talk therapy, and is a process of releasing our need to over-intellectualize our emotions, and instead feel it and connect it within our body.

SPINAL ATTUNEMENT METHOD IS a globally accredited modality that combines Western principles of trauma healing with Eastern Philosophy and subtle, energetic worK. We work with the parasympathetic and sympathetic spine gateways, energy centres and body meridians to release tension and bring the body back into alignment. A session will help get to the root of what is happening in the body by unwinding the tension that keeps the body in a state of contraction and disease.

what to expect?

This is a reconnection with your inner self. Traditional massage has very little talking, If the massage brings up feelings or memories, these may be managed skillfully, but the focus is on releasing tissues. This is a collaborative experience between practitioner and client to be able to address unhealed experiences in a safe and therapeutic container. These things may come up as sensations, symptoms, feelings, and more. Instead of avoiding this uncovering, we shine a light on what comes forward, to feel it, grow from it, and move it.



Somatic bodywork/Spinal attunement session

90-120 mins

Massage and Somatic bodywork session to connect and ground back into your body. a collaborative experience to unwind tension, effectively use breath, and access emotions that need to be felt.

If your body is screaming in pain, whether the pain is muscular contractions, anxiety, depression, asthma, or arthritis, a first step in releasing the pain may be making the connection between your body pain and the cause. Beliefs are physical. A thought held long enough and repeated enough becomes a belief. The belief then becomes biology.
— Marilyn Van M. Derbur