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Explore an unforgettable experience in nature, with horses as our guide.  The only thing you need to bring is an open mind and a willing heart. Sessions can be tailored to your level of comfort and experience.

Why Horses?

Horses lead to healing. Horses provide us the unique opportunity to be completely present…they encourage us to simply bring gentle clarity and honesty to our lives and our relationships. By becoming witnesses to the wild that surrounds us and exists within us we can begin to grow, heal, and experience the fullness of our life and our potential.

What happens?

So many clients have asked me, “Well…What is it? What do we actually do?” My best answer to them, and you, is that I will help facilitate a somatic experience for you to be able to show up more fully in your life. To be perfectly honest, it truly is the horses that are the facilitators. I am just a witness, a support for your experience. I am simply standing by holding space. As my client you set the pace and the intention, and I provide exercises and experiences that help you embrace your vision more clearly.

I’ve told a lot of people, I could spend years sitting with a therapist discussing my issues, but it wasn’t until I was physically in this space with the horses that I actually was able to implement and feel the changes that I wanted to make in my life. So whether you are stepping into this journey on your own, or have relationships you would like to explore this work with, I look forward to helping you find your way. 

Equine Work


Individual Session

90-120 MIN

Private session for you to discover finding your own ground, and uncovering answers to your questions about life, relationships, and self.


Group session

90-120 MIN

An excellent opportunity for families, friends, coworkers, or groups to experience new and enlightening ways to communicate. Team building and goal setting, as well as establishing and learning about team dynamics.


Partnership Session

90-120 MIN

Join in equine guided education with your horse. Build a foundation of connection and trust while establishing respect and cooperation between you and your horse. Connection & groundwork will be our main focus.